It is quite a wonderful surprise if I'm to be quite frank; the Liebster Award, is passed around the blogging community and being nominated for this award makes me genuinely feel like a member of the community. I would like to thank the always wonderful Laura Piekarski, a dear friend of mine for nominating me.
Now, there are some rules that come along with this award; I was given the rules and they are as follows.
- Thank the blogger who nominated you and link back to them in your post
- Display the award on your blog (the picture)
- List the rules in your post
- State 11 (random) facts about yourself
- Answer the 11 questions asked by the blogger on their award post
- Nominate 5-11 bloggers who have under 300 followers (you can't nominate the blogger who nominated you)
- Come up with 11 questions for the bloggers you nominated to answer
- Let the bloggers you nominate know that they've been nominated by leaving a comment with your blog link on their blog
Eleven Random Facts About Me:
1. I was born in England and lived there for eleven years.
2. I aspire to be a modern day Bing Crosby
3. I have traveled to Scotland, England, America, Ireland, Italy, France, Germany and Africa.
4. I have two older siblings, Ashley is 21 and a junior in college, Alex is 18 and enlisting in the Marines this next December.
5. My parents met at a Dungeons & Dragons Club, *facepalm*
6. I was born with an eleventh toe. No it did not give me tremendous balance as a child.
7. I have already thoroughly thought about the details of my wedding.
8. I've always wanted to be a father and husband, where some kids want to be professional athletes or astronauts, I wanted just that.
9. I throw the Discus for my high school's Track & Field team.
10. My life long hero is my grandfather; a very long paper is to come about him.
11. My only major goal in life is to positively affect others, so that they may look back when years have passed and recall the positive memories.
Eleven Questions From My Nominator:
1. If you only had one hour left to live, what would you do? (Spend all the time with my family that I could)
2. If any of your dreams could come true, what would it be? (To have a happy and healthy family of my own)
3. Rom com or horror movie? (I'm assuming that Rom Com means Romantic Comedy, but yes Romantic Comedy every time.)
4. Morning person or night person? (Both)
5. If you and someone else were the only two people left on the planet, who would that other person be (celebrities included)? (The girl that I love)
6. What's your favorite month? (July, my birth month)
7. What would your alias be? (Lord Rupert Everton III)
What house at Hogwarts would you be in? (If you don't know Harry Potter
then you aren't even allowed to answer this question) (It seems to be rather egotistical or high minded to say Gryffindor but I'll say Hufflepuff)
9. What Disney movie would you want to be in? (Not the traditional Disney movie with princesses and happy endings, but Glory Road)
10. If you could only buy clothing from one store for the rest of your life, what store would it be? (J. Crew)
11. Describe your blog in three words! (Humorous, Romantic and Dorky)
My Nominations:
1. Rebecca Reid
2. (Her name is in Russian I believe, my most sincerest apologies for not knowing your name)
4. Zenia
5. Eve Dorith
My Eleven Questions For You To Answer:
1. What is your dream job?
2. What is your dream dinner party?
3. Where is your number one place you want to travel to?
4. Where do you intend to go to college?/Where did you attend college?
5. Who is your celebrity crush?
6. What is your perfect date?
7. What is a major goal in your life?
8. Dogs or Cats?
9. Favorite Movie?
10. Favorite Book?
11. Describe yourself with one word.
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